Find resources to help you grow in the spiritual discipline of prayer.
Prayer Models
C – Confession: owning our sins
T – Thanksgiving: thanking God for all he has done
S – Supplication: prayers of request for ourselves and others
Parts of Prayer
A – Ask
R – Repent
T – Thank
S – Share
Five-Finger Prayer
Pointing finger: pray for those who guide us: teachers, doctors, counselors, mentors
Middle finger (tallest one): pray for those who lead us: government, civic, and business leaders, police and firefighters
Ring finger (weakest one): pray for those who are weak: the poor, sick, disabled, infants, homeless, the powerless, the persecuted
Pinkie (the smallest, the least): Pray for myself
Take a Trip with God
R – What do I Regret?
I – Intercession-for whom do I need to pray?
P – What is my Purpose or Plan?
Divine Reading
- Reading: Read the passage slowly. Pay attention to the text. Read it several times. Underline sections that catch your attention.
- Meditating: Try to grasp the meaning of the passage, be aware of God’s presence in your life.
- Praying: Respond to God, converse with him about the passage and his will. Open your heart to God. Share your heart, not a laundry list of needs or things you think you ought to pray about.
- Contemplating: Focus on God, rest in his presence, and commit yourself to living out his will, especially as reflected in the reading.
This method allows the Christian to interact with God and with the Word of God, to know the Bible, self, others, and God through the eyes of a developing faith.
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Prayers & Guides
Prayer of Gratitude
From the Clean Slate series
You lay before me every day.
Help me to understand that despite
misfortune and tragedy I sometimes face,
blessings are everywhere, and
challenges are often gifts in disguise.
May I learn to trust
that in all circumstances, You are with me
in ways far beyond my imagining,
and that in You, there is hope.
May I learn to see
that all I am and all I have is a gift from You
and that my attitude can have
a ripple effect of positive influence
on those around me.
Help me to live my life as a reflection
of Your love and generosity
with gratitude for today and hope
for tomorrow.
Prayer of LIFEchange
From Inspired 2016 & 2017
don’t forget about me.
Although I sometimes fight against your transforming hand in my life,
don’t give up on me.
Save me from the prison of standing still, of stagnating, of being the same person today that I was yesterday; make me new! For I believe you have all the power needed, not only to change the world. but to change me.
So change me, free me, forgive me, teach me,
discipline me, stretch me, fill me and grow me so that
you can more fully use me to bring your goodness to all who surround me.
I humbly ask, in Jesus. Amen.
Good Life Prayer
From the Good Life Series
“The heavens declare your glory
and the earth is a witness to your greatness…
They have no speech, they use no words, yet their
voice goes out into all the world.”
You invite us to taste and see that you are good
and have plans to prosper us and not to harm us.
Open our eyes to grasp how wide and long and high
and deep is your love.
Remove all sin, doubt, and fear that blinds us from seeing your favor.
Through Jesus our Lord, Amen.
Prayer to Refocus Your Attitude
From the Clean Slate series
You lay before me every day.
Help me to understand that despite
misfortune and tragedy I sometimes face,
blessings are everywhere, and
challenges are often gifts in disguise.
May I learn to trust
that in all circumstances, You are with me
in ways far beyond my imagining,
and that in You, there is hope.
May I learn to see
that all I am and all I have is a gift from You
and that my attitude can have
a ripple effect of positive influence
on those around me.
Help me to live my life as a reflection
of Your love and generosity
with gratitude for today and hope
for tomorrow.
Prayer for Those Who are Hurting
From the Marked Series
Despite your faithfulness, I often feel uncertain even though marked and set apart as your child. I fall prey to my insecurities, the accusations of my conscience, and the lies of the evil one.
Renew my spirit, Lord. Restore the joy of my salvation. Help me to be mindful of all You have done, are doing, and will do for Your children. Fill my heart with confident faith to believe and trust all Your promises.
Prayer of Hope
From The Thrill of Hope Series
You always stand beside me. You provide me with a future full of your love, blessings, and guidance. I know that, no matter how bad things get, you will always be by my side. I know I may not see you. I know I may not feel you, but I thank You for giving us Your Word that tells us you are here.
You know my dreams, Lord. I put my dreams in your hands. I surrender my hopes to you. In your holy name, Amen.
The Lord's Prayer
Hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Matthew 6:9-13
Prayer of St. Francis
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offense, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring your light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
it is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
it is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.
Serenity Prayer
Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him Forever and ever in the next.
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Clean Slate
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