Baptism for Adults and Students

In baptism, God pours out His grace and His Spirit on us. “…so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:7) This day comes at a different time for each of us. Every life is a journey and your baptism day begins a new chapter. If you want to know more about baptism or are ready to take this incredible step, please contact us to set up an appointment to talk.

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Baptism for Infants and Children

Baptism is a special gift from God where God sets his affection on us and makes everlasting promises to us. BUT, it’s only a beginning. It’s an incredible beginning, but it’s still a beginning. As parents, you will become the single most important figures in the journey that follows after your child’s baptism. And we want to help you guide them on that journey. Whether you are expecting a child, ready to schedule a baptism for your child, or just have questions about baptizing infants and children, join us for the next baptism orientation. During this one-hour orientation, you’ll receive information on what the Bible has to say, learn more about leading your child on their spiritual journey, and we’ll share parent resources that are available. Plus, your child will receive a special gift: a Bible designed for them. The orientation is also a great way to connect with other Pathfinder families and grow together.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Baptism

Where do I begin?

Because Baptism is a special gift from God, we ask that anyone age fourteen or older desiring to be baptized meet with a pastor or Student Ministries director first. This is a great opportunity for us to get to know you and help you move forward in your journey beyond just the baptism day. Please contact us to schedule your meeting.

For infants and children, we ask that parents attend a baptism orientation.

See the baptism orientation schedule

When can baptisms be scheduled?

Baptisms can be done during most non-communion services on Saturday or Sunday. Communion services are the first and third weekends of each month. We can also schedule it for after one of our services most weekends. If necessary, other times for a private baptism can be discussed.

How do I schedule the baptism?

In order to schedule the baptism, please complete the scheduling form. Once the form is received, a confirmation of the date and time will be sent to you.



Does it matter if my baptism is during or after service?

This is a personal decision for your family. In making this decision, keep in mind that baptisms during worship services are projected on the sanctuary and lobby screens, and our Sunday services are also live streamed online. (You can share this link with family and friends who are unable to attend but may want to celebrate with you online.) We also have special stage displays at times to enhance the worship experience, which will be in place during baptisms. For baptisms during the service, we will need you and your family to be in the sanctuary 20 minutes prior to the service. We’ll make sure you know how to walk up and where to stand.

Who can attend?

Relatives, sponsors, and friends are all welcome! Please arrive early and introduce yourselves to one of the First Impression Members before service. They will seat you and your guests near the front. If the baptism is during a service, a staff member will lead you up to the front just prior to the baptism.

(For infants and children) Are sponsors or godparents required?

This is a personal decision for your family. Sponsors are not addressed in the Bible, but are a tradition that goes back to the early church. The intention is to select people who you are confident will be Godly examples for you and your child, and, should something happen to you, make your wishes known that they be raised Christian.

(For infants and children) What is the Baptismal Blessing?

The Baptismal Blessing is an important part of preparing for your child’s baptism day and leading them on their spiritual journey. The blessing is read by a parent during the Baptism and printed on the certificate.Please view the baptismal blessing document for more information, and submit it to the church office at least one week before the baptism.

Learn More About Baptism

Questions about Baptism

We’re happy to answer questions about your own baptism or your child’s baptism.